'Sayno'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2009/09/07 미첼 2009.9.6 Do it trash work enough
  2. 2009/07/07 미첼 Do it any work funny!!
  3. 2009/06/30 미첼 NOT really enough time?

2009.9.6 Do it trash work enough

Sayno 2009/09/07 00:06 미첼
Many people would feel bad if your senior ordered trash work.
As long as having good college degree, the more the people do.
Among fresh women in a company, someone would grumbled that I do not get a job in order to do coffee service or copier. Why do people think trash work is worthless? Maybe, they think. "It is unbelievable that I do trash work which should be serviced by people who are inferior!"

It is no easy work to make instant coffee...(omission)
How about copy?...(omission. Because it is a Sayno's unique thought. and I am afraid that it is used by someone who use these evily)
How about fax? Bank runner? Documentation?

A fault which is caused by trash work makes a company great shock, However a person in charge at best write down a reason paper or say, "I'm sorry". If you were given a scolding, maybe you would justify yourself with "I didn't do it on purpose"

And yet, Don't you get a job to do trash work? It's funny! Japan Electronics in Kyoto is hyper small size motor company with sales revenue more than 0.3 triliion Yen.
This company forces freshmen to do toilet cleaning. CEO Nagamori says, "It is impossible to make new product for person who do not do trash work at best." It really is.

Person who hates trash work boasts their pride. They say, "I don't want to the job in order to do trah work." Pride? What fucking Pride? College degree pride? It is a crazy saying and see around you. We believe that pride man has a high nose. Do you like him(her)?

2009/09/07 00:06 2009/09/07 00:06
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Do it any work funny!!

Sayno 2009/07/07 14:07 미첼

I watch a TV program called VJ special man(I do not watch variety or drama), one day, the program showed that a chief of restaurant went across all of Korea in order to get good stones pan and has made an effort to grind those, because he knew that meats are varied by pans. Pork meat management is not labor for him, but it is a hobby. Of course, guests are boomed there.


Many riches say working is a hobby. It means they enjoy it. The author of <Millionaire mind>, Thomas J. Stanley, shows data which was written of 733 millionaires, it describes that 86% of them tell My success is result of loving job and work. And 81% of them spoke My work let me use up all of my abilities.


However, it is a silly thing that most people seek to work which is suited for them. And many of them believe that I am dreaming and want is I must do or I have abilities for that without detail preparations. However, ability or skill, those things are not showed until when you experience. I want to say that ability test is not credible.(I am not good at any sector in ability test)


Is it really? Look at more details about that. They never start work for his ability on the one morning. That works to geniuses. Motivations for millionaire to choose jobs are just chances (29%), trial and error(27%), relations in job before(12%), chance for employers loosing(7%). Those values involve professionals like doctors or lawyers, who were good at studying when young, so get off them, most of millionaires become millionaires by chance, and make money by the chance.


The truth is that. Millionaires grasped opportunity in the chance ,loved and enjoyed the work, and the work becomes the work for me. Believe my say. Mark fisher and Mark allens book, How to think like a millionaire told that Succeed man loves their jobs, too.


Do you not believe my say now, too? If you have heard Retire when young?, I have not opened the book. Many people describe that if they became riches, they would retired and never do work. Question : Did you see Real rich have retired when they became rich? They never let it be until they are sick. Work is funny, why do I retire? And retire when make a lot of money? Those thought mean that they do not enjoy work itself. So they want to escape from the work. Will they really become riches? Also, when they are young? Not good at investment? By What the hell money? Stop voices like dogs.

2009/07/07 14:07 2009/07/07 14:07
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NOT really enough time?

Sayno 2009/06/30 21:03 미첼
First, old stories...
When I was young, my friends came to my home. So I fixed a paper on the wall.
"If talked more 3 minutes, have gone to your home"
I told to my friends, most of them are son of riches, that time was only my asset, and am agreed.

Early marriage, When I have been Mt.Sulak with my wife, I went there by taxi because of time shortage.
When I have been Everland with my family, I was afraid of my time, so I have been by helicopter.

Last 20 years, I have inevitably gotten in taxi 1~2 hours in day, and I grudged that time,
read sth like newspapers or week magazines

However when I drove, the time was gone very fast when I felt boring.
I have known why self-drivers didn't thought seriously went to and came from the office,
and why they told not having enough time. Also, I feel lack of time when I drive for myself.

Do you think that you can think puductive thinking during driving?
Not more than 5 minutes thnking was rounding and rounding.
Do you have not enough time?
Before, I recommended that you'd better live a place which is near work place.
If you couldn't do that, you should save other time.

As I have required employees before, write about using 24 hours per 30minutes a day.
Maybe you recognized to thinking stupid.

Dr.Gong Byung woo ate foods during sitting a chamber pot and fixed refrigerator in showeroom
to use time efficiently. I have a TV and an audio set in showeroom instead of a

Writer Goo Von hyung, who published <you employed yourself>, recommended that a day is considered as 22 hours and 2 hours should be used to develop yourself. I use 5 hours to did that on average.

Should we live with busy time? I know that slow-living with comfortable thinking is one way of lives.
However, it also is different from laziness. Needless to say, I take a rest some times. But it is rare thing, lazy-man is dilligent one time per year.
2009/06/30 21:03 2009/06/30 21:03
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